Whatsapp Status For Promise Day (2023)
Promises are given for reasons and are fulfilled according to circumstances. So in any life, he or she makes a promise for any one. So here are some best and cute Status For Promise Day. Have a look..
Short Status for Whatsapp
- A promise is the threshold of a lie.
- Never promise the impossible.
- Despite all his promises, he still hurts me
- Without fulfilling a promise once, it’s better not to give it a hundred times
- Who is more careful in their promises is more precisely in their fulfilment.
- They wanted the best, but it turned out – as always.
- A man always promises more than he can.
- He does not feed promises as a person, but he still looks at food.
- Not sure – do not promise.
- A promise is an assurance of one’s decency.
- No big words, oaths or promises. Just make your loved one happy.
- Noodles are a side dish of promises.
- A man is that person who keeps his promises and emotions !!!
- All men first firmly promise, and then softly evade.
- Promises are what should be fulfilled, not sounded, and forgotten.
- Men either promise the impossible or do not fulfil the promise.
- To everyone for whom I dream, I promise to come true.
- He promised to do it. You can’t fulfil. So don’t swear.
- There is nothing worse than the doubtful glory of the windbag.
- One “today” is worth two “tomorrow.”
- While some promise, others do
- Whom they overfeed with promises, he even shies away from his wishes.
- Departing from obligations, you will have to pay at a higher price.
- Some people like to fool with promises, although they are deceived.
- Promised – half made happily.
- There is nothing more comfortable than a promise.
- A real man always fulfils the promise. No matter how hard it was.
- Real men are distinguished by the ability to keep their promises.
- Some people make promises for the pleasure of breaking them.
- Promises are tricks that fools fall.
Status Start with I For Promise Day
- I promise not to promise that I will return if I don’t expect to return.
- I promise to learn how to iron your shirts if I take them off you !!!Happy Promise Day!
- I hate such people who promise from three boxes and do not fulfill
- I can’t stand people who promise a bunch of things but don’t fulfill. And they come up with all sorts of excuses instead of admitting that they are shit.
- I promise to remain faithful to you all night long.
- I’ll probably marry you, and of course, I will be faithful. But for love? You know that I honestly can’t promise, unfortunately.
- I will be your most beautiful ex. I promise
- I promise I will be there. You say that you need it.
- I give myself a word not to give myself a word anymore!
- I fulfilled my promise.
- I next year promise to behave approximately like in this one!
If Status For Whatsapp
- If a woman says, “You could not keep me,” then she was not going to wait for you. No matter what she said, she promised and would not swear.
- If a woman asks, we must sincerely promise.
- If we are not always able to fulfill our promise, then it is still in our will not to give it. Happy Promise Day!
- If the government had not fed us promises, we would never have fed up.
Long Status
- Consider whether what you promise is real and possible, because a promise is a duty.
- Somehow he suddenly stopped noticing all the grey and strange people around because she promised to be boring.
- Two things in the world are most often forgotten: an umbrella and promise to get married.
- Love always promises an impossible reality and makes you believe in the impossible.
- Yes, it’s true, I promised you mountains of gold. But there was no talk about the washing machine!
- When men stop promising diamond mountains and buy love for empty words, women will learn to recognize love from pain.
- The surest sign of failure to fulfil a promise is the ease with which people give
- Over the past three years, I have already promised to marry her five times, but she’s still not enough.
- It is worth putting your head on the chopping block, as you immediately understand the stupidity of empty promises.
- Promise only the impossible, and you will have nothing to reproach yourself.
- It is not good to require a person to fulfil the promise. He already spent a lot of energy on promises.
- People who throw words and promises to the wind, I would dash from the bridge and into the cold sea.
- An ideal understanding is when you get promises, and you believe.
- For you, I will get the moon from the sky and the stars! – How romantic you are! – Still, half a year – and you can’t imagine such garbage
- Every time you think that you read a book with my name, I will “blow up” your brain with a new story!
- It is a pity that many people are using to just throwing words into the wind.
- Your loud promises have become my silent tears.
- It is better not to promise and remake than to promise and not finish.
- Those who promise too much will inevitably betray
- A tiny good deed is better than the most severe promise to do the impossible.
Whatsapp Status For Promise Day
- Do not believe those who promise the golden mountains, such as nuggets in nature, do not exist.
- Do not feed with words instead of bread.
- Don’t forget to switch from beautiful words to beautiful actions
- Do not promise the virgin young love everlasting on earth.
Status stating with word Promise
- Promises are like children crying in the theatre during a performance. They must be taken out immediately.
- Promise something. Before that, remember in what unpredictable country you live. Remember? Thought? Did you promise? Well, good luck
- Promises have two categories: some can not be kept; others should not be made.
Thanks for these wonderful ideas!